Mermaid Dream Catcher

Sweet dreams? Scary nightmares? A mermaid dream catcher to the rescue! According to Native American tradition, the circular center of a dream catcher will prevent evil from reaching you by holding it in it's net, while tendrils of feathers, ribbons, or string release your good dreams.

Since we are celebrating the sea, the addition of a mermaid and shells adds a new twist to the symbolism of the dream catcher.

Mermaid Dream Catcher

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Here's a lovely dream catcher (paid link) that embodies the colors of the sea with starfish, shells, feathers, beads and ribbons, as a mermaid holds a delicate pearl between her hands. Packaged in a beautiful box, it's the perfect gift. 

This adorable little mermaid (paid link) wishes you sweet slumbers and happy dreams! She's even invited a lobster and a fish to join her in dreamland. This cute set is perfect for a child's bedroom. 

This charming handmade dream catcher (paid link)
is made especially for you, personalized with your name. Starfish and shells surround a pretty mermaid, accented by ribbons and tulle.

Hang a delightful dream catcher in your home with a moon-sitting mermaid figurine (paid link), or catch some dreams on the road with a mermaid's tail dream catcher charm (paid link) for your rearview mirror.

DIY Mermaid Dream Catcher 

These two videos will bring out the craft artist in you! Follow along on a creative journey that will inspire your own unique mermaid dream catcher ideas! Or, check out this do-it-yourself mermaid dream catcher kit (paid link)!

Catch Your Dreams At The Beach!

A rather atypical type of dream catcher to say the least, but why not! Enjoy the crashing surf, salty breeze and soft sand as you soak up some rays and dream!

Ocean Mermaid Dream Catcher Round Pink Beach Towel
(paid link)

Record All Of The Dreams You've Caught In A Dream Journal!

Dream Journal

It's morning. The sun is peeking through the blinds, the aroma of coffee is wafting through the air. You've had the most bizarre dream and it seemed so real. What was it? What did I just dream? It seemed like you were just there and... POOF! It's gone. Again! 

Don't let this happen to you! I've created this beautiful 128-day dream journal (paid link) for recording and understanding your dreams. Each page records date, time, thoughts before sleep, dream, interpretation, symbolism, and is numbered for easy reference in the notes and artwork section. Lovely dream catcher illustrations enhance your experience.

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