Ocean Word Search Puzzles For Beach Umbrella Mermaids!

Do you like sand, sea, sun, and word puzzles? Then I've got an ocean word search book that is perfect for a day at the beach.

Written by me for all of you beach umbrella mermaids out there, it's a must have addition to your beach bag!

Word Search Book For The Beach

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It's a beautiful day with blue sky and bright sun. You've decided to take the day off and treat yourself to a day at the beach (paid link). You park the car, grab your beach bag, cooler, umbrella, and chair, and head for the sound of the crashing surf.

Walking across the sand you smile to yourself as you see other happy beachgoers strolling about, laughing, reading, swimming and sunbathing. Do you ever see anyone unhappy at the beach? I thought not! 

It's time to kick off the flip-flops. Into the beach bag they go as you feel the soft sand giving way to your every step. Warm at first touch, then a coolness underneath as you dig your heels in. Ah, this is the perfect spot. You prop your colorful umbrella into the sand, spread your blanket, unfold your chair, position the cooler for easy reach, and look out at...

The sea. Mysterious, beautiful, sometimes angry and raging, sometimes calm with wisps of wind dancing across the surface. A kaleidoscope of blues, greens and grays, a shade for every mood. As endless as the colors and moods of the sea, so the subjects are endless, too. Boats, lifeguards, sea movies, mermaids, islands, shipwrecks—the sea has many tales to tell.

Word Search Puzzles

Fifty-two, to be precise. One can never run out of words to describe the sea (paid link) and everything in it, around it, or floating on top of it! Here you'll find ocean word search topics such as sea gods and goddesses, pirate patois, seas the day, at the marina, sailor speak, friends of mermaids, life in the salt marsh, and much, much more.

Word Scramble Puzzles

Eggs aren't the only things that get scrambled! I've whipped up a dozen word scrambles (paid link) with topics such as nostalgic beach movies, early morning beachgoers, at the aquarium, to name just a few. So put on your thinking caps and try not to look at the answer page!

Word Match Puzzles

A matched set. A match made in heaven. Matchmaker, matchmaker, make me a match! I've mixed and matched twelve ocean themes (paid link) including pirate ladies of the sea, dramatic coastlines, famous ocean explorers, and more. Here's to you finding your perfect match!

Cryptogram Puzzles

I truly admire those who can solve cryptograms without looking at the hints. They are, after all, incredibly cryptic! So mum's the word, you won't find any spoiler alerts here. All I'll say is that there are twenty of them (paid link). Good luck!

Ocean Word Search Puzzles Make A Great Gift!

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