Mermaid Spells

Mermaid Spells

Mermaid spells are like poetic imagery. When spoken aloud they vibrate and intensify the image you've created in your mind. It is the belief behind a spell that makes it work. The spell is used as a prop or backdrop to create specific scenes in your mind. You are visualizing your intended outcome, and fueling it with your emotions. Feelings and emotions are the trigger, and belief is what seals the deal. Without emotion and belief you are just reciting a rhyme, albeit a clever one!

To use these mermaid spells, I suggest reciting them in a place where you feel serene — at the ocean, in a garden, in the woods, or a special place that you've set up in your home filled with items that inspire you. Since mermaid spells work with the energies of the ocean, seashells are an excellent representation of that force. Use whatever makes you feel good. Most importantly, feel the feelings of having what you want even though you don't yet have it, and act as if your intention has already come to pass. By the power of the law of attraction, magic, the universe, spells, the quantum field — whatever you wish to call it — it must come to you!

Release Your Inner Mermaid Spell

A Handful Of Seashells

Mystical mermaids of the deep
Share with me the secrets you keep
Free the mermaid inside of me
The one who longs to swim under the sea

I'll set my gaze upon the beach
Gathering seashells within my reach
And use their power of centuries old
To unlock the secrets that mermaids hold

Upon me is cast this magical spell
From the blue ocean waters where mermaids dwell

Spell To Wash Away Stress and Anxiety

A Mermaid Companion

With the help of mermaids and all life in the sea
Let the ocean wash troubles away from me
When murkiness recedes and the water is crystal clear
Then no more worries and no more fear
I'll float with ease through life's changing tides
Carried by a wave with a mermaid at my side

Spell To Find Your Soulmate

Soulmates of the Sea

Oh sensuous mermaids of the deep
Why is it I cannot a relationship keep?
Cast upon me your spell so that I may find
My partner, my soulmate, two hearts entwined

I'll call to him as a siren singing out to sea
A song so enchanting he cannot flee
Like a ship he'll come crashing into my arms
Unable to resist my seductive charms

Tell me, beguiling creatures of the sea
How long must I wait for the one that is he?
Hasten your spell so that I soon will be
Sharing my life with the other half of me

Spell For Healing

A Mermaid's Shell

The ocean's energy lies in a shell
Its mysteries within can one foretell?
Rolling in with the tide then beached on the sand
A mermaid swims by scooping it up with her hand...

By the power of the moon that sways the tide
And the ancient stars a thousand times amplified
Infuse this shell with energies of light
As sparkling and brilliant as this very night

I cast this shell upon the sea
Wherein lies the power of all eternity
To wash away ailments and make one well
For the gift of healing is wrapped inside every shell

Mermaid Mirror Magic

In mirror magic, the mirror represents a gateway to the unseen realm that you fill with your thoughts and imagination. You are not seeing your own reflection, but that which resides within your mind. Your life will then mirror the thoughts, beliefs, and emotions which you predominately hold. If you worry, you'll have more to worry about. If you're happy, life will bring you more happiness. Get into the habit of overriding negative thoughts and emotions with those that are more positive, and watch your life play out the results!

Mermaid Mirror Magic

As I hold this mirror I know I will see
The doorway to all eternity
Upon crossing the threshold I state my intention
And in my mind's eye I hold its impression
Secure in the knowledge that it will reflect back to me
Whatever I imagine because thought is the key

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