You'll find these mermaid poems in my poetry book, A Mermaid Like Me. I've also created beautiful poetry posters available from my Etsy Shop. With imagery from the sea, these posters will add a unique flair to a bedroom, dorm, office, or make a special gift. Find your favorite mermaid poems and images below!
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Do you believe in mermaids?
Do you believe in yourself?
Inspire the mermaid within while embracing your uniqueness. Like the ever-changing colors of the sea, the original poems in this collection range from whimsical to deeply emotional, encouraging you to swim against the tide and become who you truly wish to be.
At times I'm fearful and want to hide from the world
Rolled into safekeeping like a sail furled
A port in the storm where I can take refuge
A hidden cove protected from life's deluge...
Don't we all feel like that at times? Don't we all need a place that's safe from negativity, anxiety, fear? I have always turned to the sea in times of need. It is my solace, my comfort. It is there that I feel free.
This beautiful poster evokes that feeling of safety, seclusion, separateness from the rest of the world.
Buy now from my Etsy Shop as a printed poster (paid link), or print your own with this digital download version (paid link). Available in sizes 8x10, 11x14, 16x20.
And so I slumber in a mermaid's dream
As floating shadows through water stream
A seahorse appears in front of me at will
Meeting my gaze like a statue, so still...
Could you picture yourself in a dream as a mermaid? What would it be like to experience life in the deep sea? What would you feel, see, hear?
This dreamy poster unfolds within the dream of a slumbering mermaid, or is it you?
Buy now from my Etsy Shop as a printed poster (paid link), or print your own as a digital download (paid link). Available in sizes 8x10, 11x14, 16x20.
Through stalks of kelp a forest I see
Living and breathing beneath the sea
Shafts of sunlight shining through
Turn moss green leaves into a golden hue...
A palette of color beneath the sea witnessed by a mermaid as she floats through a stunning underwater garden.
Jewel-toned iridescence coming at her from all directions—an escape into a place of tranquility.
Buy now from my Etsy Shop as a printed poster (paid link), or print your own as a digital download (paid link). Available in sizes 8x10, 11x14, 16x20.
If I were a mermaid I would know within me
Lies a power and a force as big as the sea
I would dive where the bottom is smooth and clear
Knowing that I'd find safety here...
If you were a mermaid would your life be different? A mermaid's life seems to have more freedom because of the sheer vastness of the sea, but couldn't your life be just as free?
Unfinished business is a huge weight that stops so many of us from reaching our potential. Don't wait for that perfect "someday." Go for your dreams today!
Buy now from my Etsy Shop as a printed poster (paid link), or print your own as a digital download (paid link). Available in sizes 8x10, 11x14, 16x20.
Upon a rock I sit close to shore
Staring out to sea forevermore
For I once loved a captain of a ship
My heart he held within his grip...
They say it's better to have loved and lost than not loved at all, but oh how that sense of loss lingers.
This poem is a shortened version of a longer story poem from my book that explores love in all of its wonder and sorrow.
Buy now from my Etsy Shop as a printed poster (paid link), or print your own as a digital download (paid link). Available in sizes 8x10, 11x14, 16x20.
What steps can I take of my own creation
To begin my beautiful mermaid transformation
As I look in the mirror it reflects back to me
How I can become a siren of the sea...
How does one become a mermaid? Here's a bit of guidance to begin your mermaid transformation.
A mirror will reflect back to you what you give it. Love and be kind to yourself, and the mirror will never lie!
Buy now from my Etsy Shop as a printed poster (paid link), or print your own as a digital download (paid link). Available in sizes 8x10, 11x14, 16x20.
Under the sea I am free
Caressed by a wave I am brave
Among the coral I am immortal
Beneath the surface is what I crave...
Beneath the surface of the sea is a metaphor for the real you that dwells within. Don't be afraid to emerge and feel comfortable, whether you're alone or with others.
Buy now from my Etsy Shop as a printed poster (paid link), or print your own as a digital download (paid link). Available in sizes 8x10, 11x14, 16x20.
As clouds burst forth upon the sea
Below the surface a mermaid sees
Delicate raindrops that pitter and patter
Forming circular patterns that swiftly scatter...
This poem captures a mermaid's world beneath the sea—the fierceness and beauty of nature, and the incongruity of humankind.
Buy now from my Etsy Shop as a printed poster (paid link), or print your own as a digital download (paid link). Available in sizes 8x10, 11x14, 16x20.
Where is the mermaid who is just like me?
Is she beautiful and fragile with a touch of whimsy?
If I find her I'll ask her how I can be
Just like a mermaid, a mermaid like me...
Life is meant to be lived unbounded—free from the burdens we place on ourselves, free from the opinions of others.
I am fond of metaphor and see a mermaid as a free agent, one that we can emulate.
Buy now from my Etsy Shop as a printed poster (paid link), or print your own as a digital download (paid link). Available in sizes 8x10, 11x14, 16x20.
I am different
I am unique...
No one is like you, and you are like no one else. We must move away from the pack and honor the true being inside that seeks to be expressed.
Buy now from my Etsy Shop as a printed poster (paid link), or print your own as a digital download (paid link). Available in sizes 8x10, 11x14, 16x20.
I am from the sea
Do you know me?
Perhaps you think of me as legend or folklore
Stories made up by those who came before...
This poem considers a mermaid's quest to be known to the world. Depending on how you look at it, didn't reality begin as a fantasy in someone's imagination? Hmm... food for thought!
Buy now from my Etsy Shop as a printed poster (paid link), or print your own as a digital download (paid link). Available in sizes 8x10, 11x14, 16x20.
There's magic in wearing mermaid tails
Flying through water as if I had scales
Keeping pace with dolphins and whales
In weightless rhythm my body sails...
This poem captures the feeling of swimming in a mermaid tail for the very first time!
Buy now from my Etsy Shop as a printed poster (paid link), or print your own as a digital download (paid link). Available in sizes 8x10, 11x14, 16x20.
Salty maidens come hither with your wine
And bring me a cask of your finest brine...
This poem captures a mermaid's gift to mariners of the sea, told by a ship's captain.
Buy now from my Etsy Shop as a printed poster (paid link), or print your own as a digital download (paid link). Available in sizes 8x10, 11x14, 16x20.
Oft depicted in mermaid art
Graceful, flowing, worlds apart...
This mermaid poem captures the artist capturing a mermaid!
Buy now from my Etsy Shop as a printed poster (paid link), or print your own as a digital download (paid link). Available in sizes 8x10, 11x14, 16x20.
A beautiful mermaid visited me
I knew at once she came from the sea
To show me a path and direction to take
A spell to awaken a journey I must make...
It's the dreams inside of you that bring change to the world. Don't keep them bottled up!
Buy now from my Etsy Shop as a printed poster (paid link), or print your own as a digital download (paid link). Available in sizes 8x10, 11x14, 16x20.
Mermaids > Mermaid Stories > Mermaid Poems
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