Floating, spiraling, surfacing, diving, spinning my tail — being a mermaid dream meaning? Try obscurity, duality, fantasy, vagary; a definition just as fleeting as a mermaid herself.
Dream meanings wax and wane like the moon's effect on the tides. They dive into the darker recesses of our subconscious and bubble up to the surface; the obvious washing ashore, the indiscernible caught in a perpetual undertow. Excuse the pun, but how can we possibly make heads or tails of the meaning of our dreams, particularly mermaid dreams?
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If you Google "being a mermaid dream meaning" you will not lack for definitions, interpretations, and opinions. There is a veritable laundry list of meanings, many of which are contradictory:
There are many good books and theories out there detailing the meaning of our dreams, but my feeling is that your dreams cannot be interpreted by someone else. The symbolism within them is highly subjective. Events that occur during the course of our day often come out in strange forms during our nighttime travels. Only you can determine the symbolism as it relates to your life. At times unresolved issues from our past creep up in our dreams on an intermittent, recurring basis, and only the dreamer of them knows what those issues are.
Being a mermaid in your dream can have any one, or a combination of, the above list of meanings. Or it could symbolize something entirely different. My personal opinion is that dreaming of being a mermaid is a search for freedom in your life. Freedom from feeling encumbered by society, by family, freedom from responsibilities, work, money, freedom to be yourself in a world that likes to group people, rules and ideas together. A mermaid floats freely in an ocean without highways, traffic lights, signs telling you what you can and cannot do, without politics, without borders — at one with marine life and the sea.
And so I slumber in a mermaid's dream
As floating shadows through water stream
A seahorse appears in front of me at will
Meeting my gaze like a statue, so still
Sea anemones waving tentacles at me
Forgetting how painful their sting can be
Clouds of jellyfish in a celestial dance
Must I awaken from this aquatic trance?
For here I am a mermaid, scales and all
Breathing underwater I now recall
I can live in both worlds above and below the sea
For anything is possible with a dream inside of me
- "In A Mermaid's Dream" from A Mermaid Like Me (paid link) by Aerwyna
When you begin to record your dreams you start to see patterns emerging that will help you understand them. I've created this 128-day dream journal, I Dreamed I Was A Mermaid (paid link), so you can easily record all of your dreams — not just the mermaid ones!
Each page records date, time, thoughts before sleep, dream, interpretation, symbolism, and is numbered for easy reference in the notes and artwork section. Enchanting dream catcher illustrations decorate each page.
Do you dream of being a mermaid? Do you encounter mermaids in your dreams? I'd love to hear your interpretation of mermaid dreams and what they symbolize to you!
Mermaids > Is A Mermaid Real? > Being A Mermaid Dream Meaning
Mar 04, 25 04:52 PM
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